Top 5 Singapore Zoos and Aquarium

Top 5 Singapore Zoos and Aquarium

if you are lover for animals and zoo. Then you can sometime visit the Singapore country to see one of the best places. From night safari to Bird paradise enjoy the beauty of real nature with some animals, Birds and other creatures that you will like. Below are the best Singapore Zoos and Aquariums mentioned.

  1. Singapore zoo.
  2. Night Safari
  3. River wonders.
  4. Bird paradise
  5. Ray bay.

Singapore Zoo

singapore zoo

This is the best zoo if you are an animal lover, the total area covered by this zoo is 26 hectare. There are more than 4200 animals in this zoo and more than 300 species. The exhibits of all the animals are made by keeping the natural habitat into the consideration.

There is a glass wall to protect the visitors and animals as well, you can experience the wildlife from very close. If you are planning to explore this zoo, keep the whole day for exploration. There are details written all over the places about each and every animal, so you can understand more about the animal. There are few restaurants and cafes inside the premise if you feel hungry.

Night Safari

night safari

Its takes a full night to complete the safari, park opens at 7:15pm and closes at 12:00am. There are two ways you can explore night safari, one is by walking and other tram ride, tram ride can take you closer to the some of the animal which you cannot explore by walking and tram ride is very fun. Be careful of the mosquitoes, always keep mosquito repellent or wear full sleeves.

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You might wanna bring the umbrella because it rains sometimes in night safari. Keep the flash closed while taking pictures. There are lots of species in the night safari but nocturnal animals are the main attraction because they only come out at the night.

River wonders

River wonders

This park is all about the animals which lives in the river, There are lots of aquariums in river wonders, There are more than 6000 animals of 250 species. River wonders park is completely covered from above unlike night safari or zoo, there is no need of umbrella.

It requires around 3-4 hours to completely explore the river wonders. you can buy the combo tickets with the zoo, its a bit cheaper if you buy combo. It is easy to navigate through the park since it ahs only single path. You can also take a tour of boat ride. There are shows which you can see three times in a day.

Bird paradise

Bird paradise

Bird paradise is one of the largest bird park in Asia. There are total 8 attractions in bird paradise. It is located next to the night safari, There are more than 3500 birds in the bird paradise. To experience the birds closely and feed them, you can join feeding sessions. Bring your umbrella because it rains sometimes in bird paradise. There is Amphitheatre, they hold presentation in amphitheater. If you are a bird lover and wants to explore and gain more knowledge about bird paradise then it is a perfect place for you.

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Ray Bay

Ray bay offers amazing marine life. There are more than 20000 tropical fish in ray bay. Coral reefs are one of the main attractions in ray bay, many species of fishes lives in coral reefs. There are many ray fishes in the ray bay, you can experience them from very close and feed them at the same time.  There are many instructors, you can ask any question related to rays or marine life. There are many slides in the adventure cove waterpark of ray bay. Water rides are amazing, you can watch the fishes closely during water ride.

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